Improvements to Kings Highway (CR-551S) from Market Street (CR-634) to Hopkins Road (CR-647)
Kings Highway Traffic Control notice
Please be advised that starting at 7:00 AM, Monday, March 17, 2025 (weather permitting), there will be a one-way daytime closure of Kings Highway, between 3rd Avenue and Edgewood Avenue, for roadway milling and paving operations. Northbound thru-traffic (driving towards Haddonfield) will be detoured around the work zone. Southbound thru-traffic (driving towards Mount Ephraim) will remain on Kings Highway. A traffic control plan is attached.

On Tuesday, March 18th starting at 7:00 AM, there will be a one-way daytime closure of Kings Highway, between White Horse Pike and Edgewood Avenue, for continued roadway milling and paving operations. Northbound thru-traffic (driving towards Haddonfield) will be detoured around the work zone. Southbound thru-traffic (driving towards Mount Ephraim) will remain on Kings Highway. A traffic control plan is attached.

Crews will continue working in the work area without detours for Wednesday (March 19th) and Thursday (March 20th) in preparation for the planned traffic switch on Kings Highway between Edgewood Avenue and West Atlantic Avenue to the newly paved side of the roadway.
As of right now, the weather forecast for Monday (3/17) is calling for rain most of the day. If the forecast holds and the contractor is unable to work on Monday (3/17), all work described above will be postponed by one-day.

Please be advised that starting TODAY, March 13, 2025, there will be a one-way closure of Kings Highway, between Amherst Road and White Horse Pike, for sanitary sewer removal and replacement. Southbound thru-traffic (driving towards White Horse Pike) will be detoured around the work zone using Amherst Road and Harvard Road. Northbound thru-traffic (driving towards Haddonfield) will be maintained. The traffic control plan is attached for your reference.
Due to the nature of the work and limited roadway width, this closure will need to be in place 24/7 until work is completed. In discussing with the contractor, work is anticipated to take three [3] weeks. Access for residents, emergency vehicles, St. Rose School, and local traffic will be maintained.
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact Kyle Ebersole, Camden County Assistant Engineer, 856-566-2968 or Paul Nolan, Colliers Engineering, 732-704-5931. We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you for your cooperation.
– The Kings Highway Outreach Team
Project Information
Name of Project: Improvements to Kings Highway (CR-551S) from Market Street (CR-634, MP 1.23) to Hopkins Road (CR-647, MP 3.65) Boroughs of Mount Ephraim, Audubon, and Haddon Heights, Camden County, NJ
Start Date: Tentatively, Monday, September 16, 2024
Contract Time: Substantial completion = 340 calendar days
Final completion = 380 calendar days
Limits: Kings Highway (CR-551S) from Market Street (CR-634, MP 1.23) to Hopkins Road (CR-647, MP 3.65) Boroughs of Mount Ephraim, Audubon, and Haddon Heights, Camden County, NJ
A summary of the accelerated schedule is below:
- 11/18-11/21: 10-hour shifts, 7 am – 5 pm
- 11/22: Standard 8-hour shift, 7 am – 3 pm
- Saturday 11/23: Extra 8-hour shift, 7 am – 3 pm
- 11/25-11/27: 10-hour shifts, 7 am – 5 pm
- 11/28-11/29: No work
- 12/2-12/6: 10-hour shifts, 7 am – 5 pm
- 12/9-12/13: Tentative Standard 8-hour shift, 7 am – 3 pm (based on previous progress)
- 12/16-12/20: Tentative Standard 8-hour shift, 7 am – 3 pm (based on previous progress)
- 12/23: Modify traffic control based upon extent of paving in Segment 3
- 12/24-/4: Holiday shut down
Project Highlights:
- Milling and/or removal of existing concrete pavement and installation of hot-mix asphalt pavement
- Resurfacing from Market Street (CR-634) to Hillside Avenue (CR-661)
- Full-depth reconstruction from Hillside Avenue (CR-661) to West Atlantic Avenue (CR-727)
- Resurfacing from West Atlantic Avenue (CR-727) to Hopkins Road
- Improvements and rehabilitation to existing storm sewer system
- Cleaning and lining of existing sanitary sewer system and lateral replacement
- Concrete vertical curb, sidewalk, and ADA-accessible curb ramps
- Traffic striping, signage, and raised pavement markers
Total Estimated Cost: $10,745,085.83
Contractor: South State, Inc.
Questions? Contact:
Paul Nolan, Project Manager, Colliers Engineering & Design, (732) 704-5931
James Winckowski, Camden County Engineer, (856) 382-2699
Kyle Ebersole, Assistant Camden County Engineer, (856) 566-2968
Project Segments
Market St. to Rt. 168
Rt. 168 to Hillside Ave.
Hillside Ave. to West Atlantic Ave.
West Atlantic Ave. to Hopkins Rd.
Bi-Weekly Progress Reports
Work Schedule
Week | Activity | Locations |
3/24-3/27 | Curbs, sideways, & driveways | Segment 1, Market St. to Rt. 168 |
3/27-3/28 | Brick paver crosswalks | Segment 1, Market St. to Rt. 168 |
4/3-4/4 | Curbs, sidewalks, & driveways | Segment 2, Rt. 168 to Hillside Ave. |
3/24-4/4 | Concrete removal | Segment 2, Rt. 168 to Hillside Ave. |
3/27-4/4 | Sanitary sewer main, laterals, & cleanouts | Segment 2, Rt. 168 to Hillside Ave. |
3/24-3/27 | Sanitary sewer laterals & cleanouts | Segment 4, West Atlantic Ave. to Hopkins Rd. |
3/28-4/2 | Curbs, sidewalks, and driveways | Segment 4, West Atlantic Ave. to Hopkins Rd. |
Two-Week Lookahead
Traffic Control

Please be advised that Kings Highway (CR-551S) at the intersection with Market Street (CR 634) will undergo curb, sidewalk and driveway improvements in Mount Ephraim starting on Monday, March 10, 2025 weather permitting. This work can be done with shoulder closures and lane shifts, and should not have an impact on normal two-way traffic. Working hours will be 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or need any further information, please contact Kyle Ebersole, Camden County Assistant Engineer, 856-566-2968 or Paul Nolan, Colliers Engineering, 732-704-5931. We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.
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